Signals Association

About the 3rd Brigade Signal Company Reunion Association


In 1946 Charles Holloway decided to interest a few of his ex-comrades in arms of the 3rd Bri­gade Signal Company and on 27 May 1946 they held their 1st meeting of 3 Brigade Signal Company Reunion Association which, unknowingly at that time, survived for 70 years.

They managed to meet once per year, without fail, during the month of May. Regrettably, all good things comes to an end and 1 May 2016, saw the last of their Reunion Association meetings as their num­bers have dwindled down to only three members, being Charles Hol­loway, the Chairman and eldest at age 98, Syd Ireland, the Secretary at age 95 and Eddie Mills, an ordinary member at age 96.

As far as can be established, never before has a single individual started a veteran association and managed to reunite members of the same unit and still remain serving 70 full

 years hence! What a splendid, one of a kind achievement which can only be met with accolades. The 3 Brigade Signal Company mem­bers have managed to reunite on 70 occasions, whilst its Committee only met on 16 occasions during their 70 years’ of existence.

For a List of their Meetings held click here.